Friday, February 6, 2009

Late Night Blogging...


You never know what I might write when I'm blogging past the midnight hour. Tonight my sleeplessness is fueled by a Mt. Dew I had around 4 p.m. (the effects should have worn off by now), the added sleep I've had from my bout with the flu, and a nice long phone call from my dear friend Stacey.

Now I find that it's fast approaching the 2 a.m. mark and I'm still wide awake. I thought a little therapeutic blogging might help to put me to bed. So, let me take the time to catch you up on my life a little.

Since the start of the year I've been working solely at Sandal House. This has been a blessed time of rest in my life; it has helped me realize how burnt out I had become, and what changes I should be making not to become so exhausted again. I realize working a part time job at Sandal House is only a temporary situation, but God has met my financial needs through this job, while I explore my other employment options. I'm looking for a position in the financial industry and that has been a fun job search.

Even though Sandal House is part time employment, it often feels like a full time job. The teen mothers here keep me VERY busy. Each day holds a new challenge, and that's no exaggeration. I never know what to expect when I'm home with the girls, because they're constantly throwing me curve balls.

Through the experiences here at Sandal House I've learned a lot about patience, serenity, and having a positive outlook on life. God's challenged me through the girls, and has helped me to grow in many areas.

I realized this evening as I was talking with Stacey that I don't really blog about Sandal House that often. In truth, I probably never will blog much about Sandal House because I have the girls privacy to uphold. You'll just have to be content with my generic updates about how I'm dealing with Sandal House, and live without personal little stories or antidotes on the private escapades of the house.

Since the start of the year I've also entered a really good place in my life. I'm encouraged in my daily walk with the Lord. I'm content in my life, and I've found peace in my relationships.

I know that several weeks back I blogged about a deep hurt I experienced recently. I know many of you were praying for me during that week and since then. Thank you! I wanted to say that I really have been aware of your prayers and God's presence in that situation. Yesterday I thought of that person, only to realize that he hasn't been on mind rarely at all in the last several weeks. Instead of feeling any hurt, anxiety, or confusion in that situation, I've felt peace and assurance that the right decision was made and I'm moving on in life.

In the last couple of weeks the only frustrating issue I've been experiencing is computer related. I've been having terrible issues with my email. It seems that about half the emails I send out don't get to where they are suppose to go. For someone who handles most of lifes daily communication through email this is devastating. I'm working through the issue, and if you're one of those individuals awaiting my email I apologize and hope to have the kinks worked out soon.

This past week I had the flu for several days, and the only productive thing that came out of that experience was the eight pounds I lost through the "48 hour flu diet". If you're into agonizing stomach cramps and feverish chills I highly recommend the crash diet the next time you need to lose a quick 5-10 pounds.

I'm finally feeling restored to good health, and as I mentioned earlier a side effect of this flu is the abnormal sleep schedule it's brought about. So now in an effort to actually right my sleep schedule again I'm going to call it a night and try to get some sleep before my alarms wakes me up at 7 a.m.

Good Night!

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